Showcasing one of the UK’s best seaside towns


Shaking off its old reputation and putting it back into the family home by highlighting the natural wonders of this go-to destination was crucial in changing people’s perceptions

Deliverables  Branding  |  Creative Direction  |  Digital  |  Signage

Visit Newquay

Visit Newquay branding

Restoring the jewel in Cornwall’s crown.

Known for its sandy beaches and strong Atlantic Coast surf, it’s not surprising that Newquay has been voted one of the UK’s best family holiday destinations. But, up until only a few short years ago, it had become overrun by teenagers looking to celebrate their end of exams success.

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Keen to shake off its new found reputation for rowdy youths and market itself as a family holiday destination, the local tourist and information centre decided it needed to create a new image for itself.

Using its infamous crystal clear waters as the source of our inspiration, we drew on the natural curves, waves and tranquil colours, to create a new brand identity with mass appeal. To enlist the support of its residents and market itself as a must see destination to tourists, we also created the popular ‘Visit Newquay’ holiday guide.

Packed full of handy tips on places to visit and upcoming events, it has become an essential marketing piece for the town, which we proudly produce every year for this popular seaside destination.

Visit Newquay TIC

Visit Newquay Tourist Information Centre

Branding Ipswich

Newquay TIC

Newquay Design agency

Suffolk graphic design


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